Deeply Understanding the Quadratic Formula and Supporting Students to Generalise was authored by a group from Spain. The authors are: Myriam Codes Valcarce, Alice, Lorenzo Castilla, Mariano Raboso, and Samuel.
The case study examines a lesson from Colombia and focuses on:
- The potential of the completing the square method.
- Pedagogical practices such as controlling the pace of the explanation and questioning.
- Sustaining high cognitive demand.
The video is made up of three different parts:
- Part 1: A student solves an example and make the algorithm steps. (00:11 – 11:50)
- Part 2: The teacher uses an expositive style to obtain the general formula to solve the quadratic equations. (11:50 – 31:16)
- Part 3: Work in pairs. (21:20 – 32:21)
The full case study is available in the attachments section. The comments on the video have been added by the OECD on behalf of the authors. The blue comments relate to the mathematics, the yellow comments to the teaching moves, and the brown comments are questions to consider. We invite you and your peers to add your own thoughts and comments on the video at different timestamps, or build on the ideas that are already there, in order to help foster a global exchange on mathematics teaching.